Tarantula Spider Wallpaper

Cyriopagopus sp. photographed in May of 2007 using a Canon 5D camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/200th second, f16, ISO 200) Haplopelma minax photographed in Bach Ma national park in December of 2004 using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/200th second, f19, ISO 100) photographed in January of 2009 using a Canon 50D camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/250th second, f22, ISO 200) Brachypelma vagans photographed in April of 2009 using a Canon 50D camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f22, ISO 200)
Sulawesi black tarantula
(Sulawesi, Indonesia)
Thailand black tarantula
(Bach Ma, Vietnam)
(Ream, Cambodia)
Mexican redrump tarantula
(Tikal, Guatemala)