www.richard-seaman.com / Wallpaper / Nature / Birds / Forest and Field

Forest and Field Bird Wallpaper

Tachycineta bicolor (photographed at Volo Bog, Illinois with a Canon D60) Agelaius phoeniceus (photographed May 2002 at Lake Defiance, Illinois, with a Canon D60) Sialia sialis (photographed May 2002 at Moraine Hills park, Illinois, with a Canon D60) Picoides pubescens photographed in Evanston, Illinois, using a Canon 1Ds camera and Canon 100-400mm lens
tree swallow
(Illinois, USA)
red-winged blackbird
(Illinois, USA)
Eastern bluebird
(Illinois, USA)
downy woodpecker
(Illinois, USA)
Zonotrichia albicollis photographed in Grant Park, Chicago, October 19 2002, using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilization lens Regulus calendula photographed at the Morongo Valley Preserve in California in November of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/250th second, f8, ISO 100) Rhipidura fuliginosa photographed in February of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 380mm  (1/250th second, f9, ISO 100) Rhipidura fuliginosa photographed in January of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds Mk I camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/250th second, f8, ISO 100)
white-throated sparrow
(Illinois, USA)
ruby crowned kinglet
(California, USA)
(New Zealand)
(New Zealand)
photographed in January of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds Mk I and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/250th second, f5.6, ISO 100) Parus caeruleus photographed at Karlstejn castle in August of 2005 using a Canon 20D camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 370mm  (1/250th second, f6.7, ISO 100) Prosthermadera novaeseelandiae photographed in January of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/250th second, f9.5, ISO 250) Prosthermadera novaeseelandiae photographed using a Pentax MZ-5 film camera and Tokina ATX 150-500mm manual focus lens
(New Zealand)
blue tit
(Czech Republic)
(New Zealand)
(New Zealand)
Alectura lathami photographed in January of 2003 at Lake Eacham, Queensland, using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilization lens Callaeas cinerea photographed on Tiritiri Matangi island using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens Porphyrio mantelli photographed on Tiritiri Matangi island using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100-400mm lens photographed in January of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 275mm  (1/250th second, f13, ISO 100)
brush turkey
(New Zealand)
(New Zealand)
banded rail
(New Zealand)
Philesturnus carunculatus photographed on Tiritiri Matangi in February of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilization lens male Anthornis melanura photographed on the island of Tiritiri Matangi in February of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilization lens Bombycilla cedrorum photographed at Dead River, northern Illinois, using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/250th second, f11, ISO 100) Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae photographed on Tiritiri Matangi island in New Zealand during February of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilization lens
(New Zealand)
(New Zealand)
cedar waxwing
native wood pigeon
(New Zealand)
photographed at Aswan in December of 2003 using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/350th second, f9.5, ISO 200) Callipepla gambelli photographed in Arizona in October of 2004 using a Canon 10D digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/500th second, f5.6, ISO 100) Philortyx fasciatus photographed at Xochicalco in August of 2004 using a Canon 10D digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm (1/90th second, f5.6, ISO 100) Geococcyx californianus photographed at Palm Springs, California, using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 150mm  (1/500th second, f6.7, ISO100)
Senegal dove
Gambel's quail
banded quail
(aka barred quail)

www.richard-seaman.com / Wallpaper / Nature / Birds / Forest and Field