Philippines Underwater Photo Galleries

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humpback batfishes
shorthand shrimp
sexy shrimp and 
harlequin crab
royal angelfish
striped eel catfish
bluefin trevally
titan triggerfish
unidentified scorpionfish
spotfin lionfish
fimbriated moray eel
ribbon eel
long nose butterflyfish
yellow-tailed coris
yellow-tailed coris
cheeklined wrasse
coral trout
coral hawkfish
clown anemonefishes
skunk anemonefishes
unidentified cuttlefish
unidentified cuttlefish
unidentified anemone
many spotted sweetlips
yellowfin parrotfish
banded pipefish
warty frogfishes
Chromodoris coi
whale shark

Philippines Sea Slugs and their Friends

Nembrotha cristata
Chromodoris magnifica
Chromodoris annae
Chromodoris coi
Chromodoris coi
Chromodoris willani
Nembrotha chamberlaini
Nembrotha chamberlaini
Chromodoris lochi
Chromodoris lochi
Chromodoris lochi
Phyllidia varicosa
Phyllidiella cf annulata
Phyllidiella cf annulata
Phyllidiella pustulosa
Phyllidiella pustulosa
Phyllidia ocellata
Philinopsis pilsbryi
Hypselodoris purpureomaculosa
Glossodoris averni
Thecacera picta
Thecacera picta
Dolabella auricularia
Pseudoceros sp
Chloeia fusca