South Bound Brook Flood Photo Galleries

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channel 2 TV news helicopter channel 7 TV news helicopter NYPD helicopter with monsoon bucket NYPD helicopter flying among power lines army Huey with monsoon bucket
channel 2
TV news
channel 7
TV news
NYPD helicopter
with monsoon bucket
NYPD helicopter
among power lines
army Huey
with monsoon bucket
army Huey with monsoon bucket with guy hanging out door army Huey with monsoon bucket front view army Huey with monsoon bucket under view army Blackhawk helicopter army Huey Cobra helicopter gunship
army Huey
with monsoon bucket
army Huey
with monsoon bucket
army Huey
with monsoon bucket
army Blackhawk
Huey Cobra gunship
Coast Guard dolphin helicopter
Coast Guard helicopter

Around South Bound Brook

Looking East along Canal Road. smoke from burning stores in Bound Brook South Bound Brook police station surrounded by floodwater interstate 287 exit ramp under water The Queen's Bridge with water rushing over it.
Canal Rd
smoke from the fire
in Bound Brook
police station
surrounded by water
interstate 287
on/off ramp
water crashing over
the Queen's Bridge
chemical drums and tree trunks stranded on Queen's Bridge water rushing below the Queen's Bridge flooded crosswalk flooded No Parking sign upended portable toilet
debris on
the Queen's Bridge
water rushing below
the Queen's Bridge
flooded crosswalk
No Parking sign
truck driving down flooded Canal Road
water forcing its way through manhole cover
truck driving
down flooded road
overflowing sewer

Flooded Cars

flooded Ford Taurus and Sanijon flooded car and road sign car almost completely submerged delivery truck and car abandoned at intersection flooded delivery truck
flooded Ford Taurus
and Sanijon
flooded car
and road sign
car almost
completely submerged
abandoned car and
delivery truck
delivery truck
delivery truck being towed away flooded car flooded car and Keep Right sign flooded convertible next to a canoe
delivery truck
being towed
flooded car
flooded car and
"Keep Right" sign
flooded convertible
and canoe

Flooded Houses

Orthodox Church statue and flooded house closeup of flooded house flooded apartment with kids flooded house and garage flooded truck repair garage
statue and
flooded house
closeup of
flooded house
flooded apartment
with kids
flooded house
and garage
truck repair garage
people walking away from flooded house and car flooded canal house with dog in basement
house and car
canal house with
dog in basement

A Community Event

TV van with tall microwave aerial TV crew setting up their equipment TV crew filming flooded Canal Rd motorists milling around outside their cars trying to figure out how to get onto interstate 287 motorists trying to figure out how to get out of South Bound Brook
TV van with
giant aerial
TV crew setting
up equipment
TV crew filming
Canal Road
motorists looking at
route 287 on-ramp
motorists trying to
leave South Bound Brook
cop directing traffic away from Canal Road guys watching proceedings from roof of a house guy taking photos of flood
cop directing
guys watching
from roof
guy taking photos
of flood

Kids Enjoying Themselves

kid walking down flooded Canal Road kid riding bike down flooded interstate 287 on/off ramp kid riding BMX bike down flooded street kid on rollerblades going down flooded street
walking down
flooded road
riding down
freeway off-ramp
riding BMX bike
down flooded road
riding rollerblades
down flooded road

The Aftermath

the Delaware and Raritan canal on the day after the flood Delaware and Raritan canal lock damaged and covered with debris National Guardsman talking to a guy on a Harley Davidson while blocking the Queen's Bridge. The Queen's Bridge a few weeks after the flood. Burned out stores in Bound Brook.
D&R canal
the day after
D&R canal lock
covered with debris
National Guardsmen
blocking Queen's Bridge
The Queen's Bridge
after the flood
burned out stores
in Bound Brook
burned out stores in Bound Brook vacant lot where burned-out stores used to be government sticker on window saying 'Habitable, repairs necessary' sign on window saying 'Grants or Ghost Town' salvation army van
burned out stores
in Bound Brook
burned out stores
vacant lot
repairs necessary"
"Grants or Ghost Town"
Salvation Army van
business sign proudly say 'The Water Rose, but we did not Close'
water level sign outside a Main St garage showing the water level for 'Black Friday'
"The Water Rose,
We Did Not Close"
"Black Friday"
water level sign