Classic Moves on Oahu's North Shore

If you pick up a surfing magazine today you'll find that the latest cool move is to appear totally bored while you display great skill, sort of, "yeah, sure I'm risking my life riding brilliantly on a great wave at the best surfing spot in the world, but really this doesn't interest me".

If this neo-classical move doesn't catch your fancy, then check out some paleo-classical tricks:

surfer nonchalantly surfing down a huge wave
surfer leaning over horizontally

...doing a top turn...

surfer leaning over horizontally

...doing a cutback...

guy doing a textbook cutback

...doing a floater...

guy floating on a wave

...toobed in the Banzai Pipeline...

surfer in the Banzai Pipeline

...drop-knee boogie boarding in the Banzai Pipeline!

a dropknee boogie boarder in the Banzai Pipeline