AmphibiaWeb |
is an official website of the University of Berkeley in California.
It can be searched by name and country, and the species accounts include
excellent photographs, which include enlargements up to 1256 x 731
pixels. The Digital
Library amphibian search engine is the best I've ever seen - you can
enter an amphibian name, a country name, or the name of an American state
and then page through photo galleries of amphibians from that country or
state. The only drawback is that this digital library is very
incomplete. Last visited in March of 2008.
| |
is a superior quality amateur website by a guy who takes his herpetology
very seriously, as you can see from his frog
and toad page.
American Museum of Natural History, Herpetology Department:
Amphibian species of the world
website is as dry and useless as they come. It's intended for the
hard-core scientist and doesn't even seem to have photos, but there is
a very feeble website
links page. Last visited in March of 2008.