All photos on this website are copyright of Richard Seaman, refer to the copyright and conditions of use page for more information. If you want to use a photo from this website in a publication such as a book, magazine or website then please fill in the stock photo order form. I have a stock photo order form if you want to buy a photograph for a book, magazine, website or other type of publication, and there's also a print order form if you want to buy a print of one of my photos. If you have corrections to items on the site, or you just want to contact me, then feel free to email me at this address:
(to cut down on the 50 or so pieces of junk email I receive every day, the email address shown above is actually an image - it can't be copied and pasted, it has to be manually typed in) If you do contact me then please provide a meaningful subject line for the email, if it says something vague like "hi" or "question for you" then it will probably end up unopened in the trash can as spam. |
The website is designed for a display of 1024 x 768 pixels, or larger. If your monitor's smaller then I'm sorry, but I had to draw the line somewhere! No matter how big your monitor, I recommend making the viewing area as large as possible. In most broswers, hit <F11> ("full screen"); otherwise, hit your browser's "maximize" button, turn off the browser's toolbars and status bar, and put your desktop into "auto hide" mode. Not only does this give you more viewing space, it also removes distractions. |
It's easy to navigate around this site. As usual, you can click on any of the links which are scattered throughout the text, and these links will take you to a different page. But there are also navigation icons sprinkled around, usually at the bottom of a page: |
All of these icons, and all of the thumbnails, have borders around them, which might be blue or purple or some other color, depending on how your web browser is set up. These borders indicate that icon or thumbnail has a link to something else, and that if you click on the icon or thumbnail, you'll see the thing it's linked to. In the same way, if you see a border around a regular sized photograph on any of the pages, it means that the photograph is linked to the same photograph on one of the wallpaper pages. A wallpaper photo allows you to set up the photograph on your computer monitor as "wallpaper" so that it's always there in the background. |
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