Dragonfly Wallpaper

female Sympetrum obtrusum photographed at Dead River, Illinois, using a Pentax MZ-5 camera and Pentax 100mm f2.8 macro lens male Sympetrum obtrusum photographed at Volo Bog, Illinois in July of 2003 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens Erythemis simplicicollis photographed at Dead River, Illinois State Beach Park, using a Pentax MZ-5 and Pentax 100mm f2.8 macro lens Pachydiplax longipennis photographed in the Coachella Valley preserve in May of 2004 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens   (1/200th second, f19, ISO 100)
female white-faced
(Illinois, USA)
male white-faced
(Illinois, USA)
female eastern pondhawk
(aka green clearwing)
(Illinois, USA)
blue dasher
(California, USA)
photographed in September of 2006 using a Canon 5D camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f16, ISO 100) Anax junius photographed at Dead River, Illinois Anax junius photographed at Dead River, Illinois Epiaeschna heros photographed at Volo Bog, Illinois using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens
migrant hawker
(Gelendzhik, Russia)
female green darner
(Illinois, USA)
female green darner
(Illinois, USA)
swamp darner
(Illinois, USA)
Anax junius photographed at the Chicago Botanical Gardens Perithemis tenera female Celithemis fasciata photographed at Volo Bog in July of 2003 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lense Celithemis eponina photographed at Moraine Hills State Park, Illinois, USA, using a Canon D60 and Canon 100mm macro lens
green darner
(Illinois, USA)
female eastern amberwing
(Illinois, USA)
banded pennant
(Illinois, USA)
halloween pennant
(Illinois, USA)
Tramea lacerata photographed in September of 2003 at Volo Bog, Illinois, using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/200th second, f13, ISO 100) photographed in December of 2004 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f22, ISO 100) photographed at Banteay Srei in January of 2009 using a Canon 50D camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f19, ISO 200)
black saddlebags
(Illinois, USA)
unidentified dragonfly
(Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands)
female russet percher
(aka fulvous forest skimmer)
unidentified dragonfly
(Siem Reap, Cambodia)
Trithemis aurora photographed in December of 2004 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f13, ISO 100) Diplacodes bipunctata photographed at Koroyanitu in January of 2004 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens (1/200th second, f22, ISO 100) Agrionoptera insignis photographed on a high ridge near Devo, Taveuni, using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM lens Orthetrum serapia photographed in January of 2003 at Koroyanitu National Heritage Park in Viti Levu using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens (1/200th second, f19, ISO 100)
male dawn dropwing
(Nha Trang, Vietnam)
red percher
(aka common percher)
(Koroyanitu, Fiji)
red swampdragon
(Koroyanitu, Fiji)
green skimmer
(Koroyanitu, Fiji)